Thursday, August 26, 2004

Consider the Shadow the Sculpture Casts

Consider the Shadow the Sculpture Casts

For Charlotte

If it is not a gathering of words
it is a color always near you
transmitting thoughts the moments no longer
emptying into because of shared blue
of course sky water jeans on the floor
but also (my) eyes change towards pure

in mornings of bed shifting doubling
memory by suspending the between
the intruder transforms to the expected
to inflection of longshot sightings
and invented reflexive language that asks
less and fewer of the individual

words taking grow and love
(never becoming lovely or grody)
and by the grace of maroon after sex
scent of moss and blood the peach clay
of pasts forgave and forgotten no more
than birth and that word that means understated

and the everywhere of the white
the backs of our feet white
the entry into our heads shrinking white
the found base of our spine
the tips of our nails of memory
the coming and the leaving dress in white

the first moment of one cell two white
the leguna which falls off in love of the white white
the came from and going to now together white
the first sight of you stroke of flash white
the always known now never alone
mixed ashes back in gathering dirt form birch white


Blogger Jes said...

I have been thinking of commenting, but can't figure out how to be concise so I will tell you that the poem is very dense and part of it works against itself for me. I am trying to figure out why. I hope all is well and I will be clearer in a few days. School started and I'm schwwwwamped.
J I miss you-

6:32 PM  

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