Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Sum of Different Fragments

The Sum of Different Fragments

All backs reflected in diminishing
light rests in the frontal lobe
but there is a heel a spine unbent
lines without the adoration of diagonals
crossings permitted within color
alone in a replicant hotel
room designed for couples
a vertical hovers just above
the bed sheets are the direction
of reference there is the nape of the neck
and a circle of hair infers
the lines looking out onto
landscapes with changing focus
on the shift from other to others
inside the room inside the house
outside in afternoon and back
closer until this becomes the waveform
the viewer is implicated
the angles layered into themselves
until color washing air over gutter seen from behind

* *

Destroy the material characteristic
of bodies withheld in perfectly
still even the eye sputters
while darkness leans in or
leaves curl toward the sunlight
in this day there can be no response
here is no worthy comparison
no alikeness of fresh bread
and the forearm while preserved
nothing correlates the lemon rind
must mold over and the color blue
is a signal a reminder of yellows
tied to a point even in stagnation
there is speed which orders
the distanced parts achieve unity
of forms of wall tiles of shutters
of doorways of legs in stockings
of the messenger crowd
behind the canvas and walk with the shadow
always disappearing when recognized

* *

We cannot reduce the subject
our reality is one fixed image
there you are in the morning
facing forward the light sneaking in the window
to your left the glass table
refracts and begins color which falls
into the covering of your face
I salvage to this stationary lemon
within this stilling day
by afternoon I have left
piecing the placement together
looking now at a man with a clarinet
or even a mandolin
while the marble recalls your arm on my right
shrinking with the only cloud in Spain
crossing over our point of reference where
we share this growing shadow
across the street a staircase
separates the length of waves
allowing each angle to supplant the invented eye
at first glance there are merely forms
simple geometrical forms
that openly represent captured


Blogger Jes said...

Because if words like love I am doing dishes

language is what it infers, not what it means
while the cats let them selves in and out the front door
because they infer knobs. Four feet on the ground covering
fur and purr
snarl and whisker
When snarl at you, not purr,
Infer that I have turned from Blue to
Yellow and green divided
When divided from you infer
The whisker will come, but you will never discover
Light what age has done to me.
That fur, snowy and colorless has covered the purr time.
Always, we are placing dishes on a counter and cleaning them like paws
Always the chaos of papers and party favors
Giving time the inference of meaning
That the dead are not whispering, the small are not
Four footed and among us licking the ground, that
We being upright and unrooted soar into participle and modifier
Without permanence. This gray one upon the back of my chair, the white one circling pink, a tent ring of anticipation, but being upright, my time is dishes, cyphers, holding place not hands in a body capable if ignorance and good
At it, slinking past the hue of azure and into cobalt as if that
Was what is was all about.

8:03 AM  

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