Sunday, October 23, 2005

To views on the viewing

1. the word order

here the angles are sharper
steps run soft, long
soapstone shadows from light
not of Helios leaving
the church entering
into the water the green
fur drawing hair over hair
before the temptation birthed
out of the self, canals
filled with bicycles and repetition,
smoke in the doorways
piercing past rays through
the diaphonous cloud
sheet, their boats, shoes
filled to the roped seam-line,
but here circled by estuary,
the scythes of bows
reflect the simulacrum of a man
lowering his daughter
into the gray-green
liquid plastic the film
sealing just above

the eyes, the boats against
soapstone pilings call
gulls to a false promise,
even the lapping water against
water imitates the redundant
union, all machines designed
to interrupt, a suitcase
not animal skinned, catches
every laid brick along the canal
walk resounding against
the ears, carrying unnecessaries
toward an awaiting plane
there above breaks the water
even centered on this walking
bridge is the break of television

2.Order the Word

Tuesday 10:30 massage

top of hill
2 miles on left
Windjammer Pizza
3120 ?
blend an orange and cherry
non description to disassociate
source from
popcorn shrimp
chicken tenders
mozzarella sticks
crab bites
that is not a list
each word dropped
picture a consumption
photo claim check
your property is without
warranty and define expressed
or implied meaning not responsible
for changes that may occur
over time stored value
machines only
maybe tyrnstiles
values cannot be combined
purchaser does not have
the right to be redeemed
for cash in discretion without
advanced notice is not valid

come on line break
no complaints in fiction
on and on and only indent
to all providers the overpass
turns back enter the above
code when promted
the centre always
a little further swansong
pay by roaming
view and manage

maybe used in multiple sessions
please enter


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Section one sounds like you, Chandler, I like it a lot, section two sounds like someone trying to sound like you.I assume it it is found poetry/imagery.
# One could be a major revision of the piece you read after we left the deiFrari. I wrote the cantosian piece that you sort of dared me to write. I have news(happy)about Patrizia. I feel like I am crashing a party here, but I miss you and Charlotte & Naomi. Are you stateside? Can you email me? SandyBe

12:16 PM  
Blogger BloggerRM said...

need address
to wear to the party
please leave code
at the door

5:57 PM  
Blogger Jes said...

Chandler, I miss you. I miss our drunken conversations, the illuminating ones and the illumined ones. Address is still the same. Reminds me of Delanay. When the dress wears the woman. When the uniform wears the man. Why the flag drapes the coffin
How the sky occludes blindness

Oh, my address isn't the same. No more charter. Use yahoo. Scream as loud as you want.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chandler, at the risk of having swingers blogging me at home, I am at

I say you, me, & Jesse get drunk on grappa sometime soon, maybe get drunk on blog, an outrageously colorful concoction served at science fiction cons.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Jes said...

I have some Tinto here, when can you both make it to California? Email me anytime Sandy and tell me where you are these days

8:01 AM  

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