no title
In the Moody Slough
a hand
In the wind through laurel
a fist
In the sand of Baghdad
a gun
and I am undone.
CompleteFiction comes out of the UNO Madrid Summer Seminar 2004. We are a community of writers sharing ideas and information. "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think." Edwin Schlossberg "The author must keep his mouth shut when his work starts to speak." Friederich Nietzsche "Shut up and write, forget the dishes, nobody cares." Jesse
Don can do what he wants. Dom P too.
Bring me two Pina Coladas. Mother fucker
I love you Chandler, and BTW, that poem with your name in it is in YAWP for June or July- K-rist, the next issue. I am in love with someone else-
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