Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Angus blooming
hills unhid and bald out like eyes.
A pen, a wretched claw,
a carbomb, a sickled sky.

Crow black bursting starlings
of funnel cloud into
the tracers by the Blackhawk air.
Daybreak mosque,
the morning prayer.

Rubble swallows, mudnests
among the dead.
When you return, I will lick the glass
out of your forehead,
tuck you whole into the light.


Blogger Jes said...


much of the detail comes from my friend Chris who is Iraq. He writes about the tracers, the death, the birds nesting, and after awhile it becomes a picture in my head. Maybe you can come over when he returns and we can all celebrate his safety together. Hugs to you- and the images are all foreign but contextual to Iraq. J

9:38 PM  

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