Interactive Reading
Love and transformation
Souls of the unborn
pressing hips
What have you become?
CompleteFiction comes out of the UNO Madrid Summer Seminar 2004. We are a community of writers sharing ideas and information. "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think." Edwin Schlossberg "The author must keep his mouth shut when his work starts to speak." Friederich Nietzsche "Shut up and write, forget the dishes, nobody cares." Jesse
Love and transformation
Every wall is made of bricks, even you.
I totally respect the people who serve, and today we honor them with Veteran's day. With all our jingoism, I am still stuck on the isolationist, pre-emptive striking, arrogant mentality of Bush. I am shamed by his arrogance, as is every man and woman wearing the uniform. WE DO NOT BELONG IN IRAQ. These are my convictions. I want the backward “Jesus-will-solve-your-crap,” “My God is more entitled than your God” politics out of my body and my country.
I change in and out
Pan de Muerto