Saturday, September 09, 2006


Jyoti Is
(for she who is the only she)

This opening is
not a forgiveness needed
or a space appearing vacant
the back of your hand an imprint
softened granite; petaled breath

Opening begin the past a granule
twine seeds within the tide
an approaching
separation as renewal
of bows a shared estuary

Formed through giving over
memories as current
combine coalescing and dissolving
yet the water the same
yourself and myself
as herself all

Now particles return inward
patterned the alighted meridians
a single opal rose
without us too transformed
both sign and wave

The path of movements
mirror this room around the light
flare accompanying a ray lakshman
substance without form or form without
one manifest not other but each

Bursting shadow dirt of unwatched
faces the sand rubbed shine fire
into refracting remain reminding
a solitary bulb thrown from nowhere
startles itself; giving upwards

Part rebirth is unacknowledged
creases allowing thought powder to dye
not irreversible saturation point
but dying while reappearing in cells
which have mingled unceasingly
waiting for the rejoinder oracled
your curved face answers
what no sound intones