Friday, February 17, 2006

I just ate some children

what does it matter

no one will read this anyway

so now I will kill some puppies

by beating them with a bag

full of kittens

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My First Narrative Poem (pl(EASE RESPONSE

im sitting in font
front of a computer
but actually i am sitting with one
and there is a lot of rice wine to the right
of the keyboard and also in my belly
and im worried or concerned about
the other day i was walking down the street
ok broadway and i had on my long black coat
which my wife char bought for me because she thought it would make me come into my current age
and i suppose you have already inferred that it didnt because im talking about the coat as if it were not my choice
so ill tell you that underneath i was probably wearing a blue sweater that someone else bought me and a red shirt
underneath with the only pair of pants that still fit since ive gained weight and cant make the button stretch
but in this moment im not sure if that was what i was wearing then or the day before or after or ever
but im sure that it was jeans because i left all my other pants that fit up in sturgeon bay and now ive mentioned a place
and i swore that i would always leave location out of poetry so now that im being full of truth it should
probably be known that im smoking again and that when i was walking down that street in order not to reiterate the name
i had a set of mala beads in my right hand pocket that i had forgotten about but was on my way to pick up some pens
and send off a fax to a real estate agent named millie in milwaukee in order to retract a bid on a house that we had bid on
but after looking at the foundation needed to take back like a simile and now i am still smoking and drinking sake on my
birthday which should come as no surprise to me because after i picked up the pens not at the place that the fax was sent
off from after many attempts but busy and waitings between because of another person trying to fax to an area
code that begins with a zero right now taking a sip out of a sipping glass and realizing after two attempts at editing
that the period was a bit of dirt or ash on the screen in front of me on the computer i walked back outside near loyola campus
and the same or the guy i thought was the same bum but turned out to be a krishna devotee walked near me again and tried
to sell me books i already had while my right hand was no where near the mala beads in the coat pocket and i said
i already have those books but now that i think about it my hand the right one was already in the coat pocket touching
the mala beads because i remember having a difficult time paying for the pens and i remember thinking that the woman
who first told me where the fax shop was was across from where i had to pay for the pens i had seen at the fax shop
but had thought were over priced and then when returning to the initial shop bought anyway while my hand was in
my right pocket and when i just thought about it i thought that i was singing or saying but not out loud but at times
mumbling parts of was om nama shiva which would sound more like ommm naamaa shivviya but instead i was
in the midst of a guilt chant brought on by the guy i thought was a bum who after many moments gave me his card which
mentioned a free lunch no that is not right because that happened after this so i was saying the shiva chant starting from
the guru bead which has a bit of red fluff or just fluff at this point because i could not see it as it was in my pocket so
at the same time that i wanted no one to see or know that i was chanting in my head i also had to pay for the pens that
i had grabbed off of the wall and now the same hands have gotten slow in relating but i remember letting go of where
i was on the eternal circle and pulling out my wallet to pay for some pens so that the next time i thought of something
i would not have to find this computer and then save a text edit file of one sentence that probably read something like
dont forget that Osiris- the Egyptian god of Death and the Afterworld. He is one of the most important of the Ancient Egyptian deities. He is a life-death-rebirth deity, and one of the Ennead. See wikipedia or myth encyclopedia for more on all of these. so instead i bought the pens and walked outside to a small man with a card that i now have in my wallet the has the face and name of but as i reached into my back pocket and looked through my wallet i realized that finding the card
was something more because as we rode back from milwaukee today naomi our daughter got bored so i jumped into the
back seat and tried to stop her from becoming upset by taking out my wallet and letting her empty all of the cards or
to the point letting her hand them to me one by one and then replacing them back into the wallet but we hit a major traffic
jam coming into chicago on the edens at around five and the game had to be repeated many times at least i remember
saying to char this is the nineteenth time i have reloaded the wallet and i am running out of variations so now i need a
moment to find the hindu card also grabbed a smoke and a match and refilled the sake pot or refilled it in the kitchen
of our chicago place that we have to leave about a bit ago but the card no the pot was empty so now i will fill it
and it is my birthday and i still havent filled it and im alone and thirty two years but not alone altogether but right now
i am about to fill the pot took off the top and type with one hand while smoking a spirit ashed into a perrier bottle that
my father in law george left here and before that over filled the pot and watched the rice spill so the card after a shot
quite a bit fell on the rug which was given to us by a friend i no longer know named rick who got it from his wifes father
who used to live in iraq but now im looking for the card again and playing the game i set up for naomi myself and cannot
find it but i believe that the guy was wearing an overcoat as well and the card that he handed to me after i gave him 2 bucks
hare krisha hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

do not respond

a stick oversized round
under held towards

and in sided
forced and later

a show through light
one name and them the one name

repeated signal a response to meaning nothing
left of center an limp plower

flow no wards off center the objection
channel the eleven know a stretch the pull

the chain the not considering a nervous wipe
brow and second monitor the call read hearing

looked for at home wandering for the looked for
low ghost as meaning now ring the ringside

refract the rest toll lucent hair the lean english shot
struck down with spin hitch the backlog sing heretics

hear sis ply umber ball it and ball it genever gin hiam stare
biting why hails shylock off remove able come portable

brought ever reburn the scolded please cost for weep all weep